Hi there!

About me

I am a Research associate at the Applied Geosciences Institute of the KIT in Karlsruhe, Germany. I am currently based in Madrid, where I collaborate with the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration of Spain.

I have built and analyzed many numerical models in porous media that feature multi phase and fully coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes. More precisely, my research field is numerical modelling of coupled processes in porous media using finite element method. I use and design large amount of computer code in a variety of programming languages. The papers I have published and modelling projects with the associated data and codes are available bellow.

During my PhD I have developed a critical mind and synthetic thinking. Proactive and straightforward, I am extremely determined to find rational but innovative solutions while favoring collective intelligence.

My research

My side projects

Hydrogen storage

Nonlinear hoop of an faulted deplented aquifer in an hydrogen storage process.

CO2 injection in realistic fracture network

Infiltration of CO2 through a network of fractures in a fully saturated saline medium. The saturation of CO2 increases as pushes the brine out of the rock matrix.

Drainage of root network

A high resolution plant root network drains an initially saturated porous medium. The applied root system is shown bellow the simulation.

Thermal destressing in boreholes

Changes in temperature in deep geothermal systems may lead to significant changes in stresses as the rock contracts, also known as thermal destressing.

Contamintant transport in aquifers

Due to a flood event a contaminant infiltrates to an aquifer where a well is installed to extract drinking water.

Delayed colapse of a clay column

The delayed collapse of a slope in stiff clay due to an excavation construction process. The excavation takes only 10 days, but the consolidation of the clay much longer.

Shallow groundwater aquifer storage

With hundreds of installed systems in central Europe, ATES systems raise as a promising green technology for heating/cooling buildings. Modeling plays a key role in the design of any ATES.

Thermo-Hydro-Chemical simulation in aquifer

A reactive tracer is injected in a high resolution aquifer resulting in porosity and conductivity changes. The simulation is fully coupled.

Education & Experience

  • Doctoral Researcher Aug 2019 - Present
    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    Karlsruhe, Germany
  • LINDE - Master Thesis Feb 2019 - Sep 2019
    Engineering of new products to strenghten the current technology in the wastewater sector : ideation, design, prototypes development, iterations & analysis.
    Munich, Germany
  • LINDE - Intern    Nov 2018 - Feb 2019
    R&D in transition technologies.
    Scouting of new technologies of potential interest in the water treatment sector (gas)
    Munich, Germany
  • Master of Science 2017 - 2019
    Water Science & Engineering
    Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Master of Engineering 2010 - 2016
    Chemical & Process Engineering
    Concepción, Chile
José Bastías Espejo